28 Nov 2009

"Inglourious Basterds" - The Comic Books!

Some talented genius called Martin Duhovic has welded a perfect meld of cinema and comics (inspired by Jack Kirby) to produce these exquisite covers. They are a view of what "Basterds" would have been like as a classic 70's war comic, with each 'chapter' as a separate issue. Yet it also captures the right atmosphere and artistry of the film. God, I'd love to have them all poster-sized on my wall. This Duhovic chap is a bit of an unknown, but I'd like to see where his career goes after this!






And if that wasn't cool enough, some stuff went down in New Avengers #59 this week which totally turned my very crappy day around. Poor old Luke Cage is in trouble...but he's THE MAN, and THE MAN has some serious friends out to save him. Including my personal favorite - Patsy!


Hellz yeah! Patsy had two titles with her in a lead role this year (the great Marvel Divas and the not-so-great Models Inc), but a A-list cameo like this takes the banana cake. Of course, it's a crowded issue, so she just hops around at the back and thumps a few dudes. But later, when the team has got Luke to hospital, there was this interesting view of her draped over Doctor Strange:


I know they're old friends from waaay back...but should the Night Nurse be watching out for a redheaded rival? Man, I read too many comics.

Blogging of which, I'm nearly finished the final installment in Patsy's epic ballad, and have a whole series I'm calling "Imaginary Girlfriend" on great superheroines coming up. For now, if you haven't seen the following video, then you will be doing your soul a great favor to watch it:

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